The following shops kindly offer discounts to members. Take your membership card along to claim your discount.
If you find that a discount is no longer available, please inform the Webmaster so this page can be updated.
Bike Repairs Direct : 10% off for club members.
Bournemouth Cycle Works : 10% off for club members.
Fit to Ride: 10% off of all bike fitting, servicing, parts and labour when quoting the CBC club name.
Primera Sports: 10% discount for members
Cyclexperience: 10% Discount for members
The Forge Cycle Works: 10% discount for members
Cotswold Outdoor Clothing: 10% discount for members
Cyclefix. Barrack Road: 10% discount for members
Bicycle Jack’s Lymington: 10% discount for members
Sports Massage: Special offer of £15 for the first treatment. Discount of 20% on subsequent treatments (£20 instead of £25)
Gillian Blake of Wessex Health Network: 10 % introductory discount for the first treatment as well as a further 10% for the first 3 treatments.
Tel 01202 474477 or 07495569619 | 17 Stour Road, Christchurch, BH23 1PL
Cycle Rescue
Sells new bikes and will restore old bikes. 10% discount for members
Tel: 01425 501227 | 41 Christchurch Road, Ringwood. Facebook Cycle Rescue